Project Medicine Drop is a program designed to allow residents to properly and safely dispose of their unwanted or expired household medications. Residents can bring their unwanted or expired household medications, placed in a zip lock or similar type plastic bag to the Police Department 24 hours a day and place the medication into the Project Medicine Drop box which is located in the lobby of the Police Department The medications will then safety and properly be destroyed. Download the Project Medicine Drop pamphlet below for additional information.
In our effort to prevent prescription Drug Abuse and for the convenience of its residents the North Wildwood Police Department has a PROJECT MEDICINE DROP BOX located at Police Headquarters to help Residents Dispose of Unused Medications.
Project Medicine Drop is a natural addition to our commitment to help improve the public safety and quality of life in North Wildwood. It will encourage our residents to be fully aware of the potential for abuse presented by otherwise beneficial medications. This initiative also protects New Jersey’s environment by keeping these drugs out of landfills and out of the water supply.
The department’s new Project Medicine Drop Box is located at 305 E 10th Avenue North Wildwood, NJ. Residents may visit the North Wildwood Police Department at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to dispose of their unused or excess medications.

You MAY anonymously drop off the following:
- Pills, capsules, tablets
- Medicinal patches
- Over the counter drugs
- Pet medications
- Illegal drugs
You MAY NOT place the following in the NWPD Drug box:
- Liquid medications
- Needles & syringes
Full information can be located in our NWPD PROJECT MEDICINE DROPBOX BROCHURE
More information about Project Medicine Drop, including the full list of Project Medicine Drop locations can be found at NJ DIVISION OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS